On a one of the dull early morning at a tea stall in Bangalore i realized how useful is to know the regional language of that state.
It was a very dull morning. Time was around 6:30 when still most of the people were still trying to enjoy the last movement of their sleep in the quilt, Me and one of my frd Shri were standing at one of the Bandi's(tea stall) in front of office to get rid of cold with a strong coffee. I had reached Office early and still there was little time to start my early morning shift. I had gone to relieve shri from his night shift. It was still cold. As usual dark and still in half sleep the cab driver dropped me at office. Since I was in half sleep so I called Shri and asked him to come down for a cup of coffee. We crossed the road since the stall was just opposite to our office. I ordered two coffee to the service boy. we were waiting for the coffee to come then suddenly I realized that the service boy has failed to remember our order and still we are waiting for our coffee to get delivered. I went to shop owner and tried to order him two strong coffee. It was such as mess over there. The bandi was full of people, the owner was not able to get my order I still struggling to give order. The time was almost 7 am, It was time for me to start my shift. I still struggling to give order. Shri realized my situation from there and shouted loudly- two sikka patte strong coffee please. That day was the day I realized the importance of knowing the regional language. Soon we were served with two strong coffee and I was on my seat to continue my work.